- Moving Away? How PA Courts Handle Custody
Mar 17, 2025
undefined Relocation can be a challenging issue for parents navigating In this guide, we’ll explore Pennsylvania’s legal framework for What Is Considered Relocation in Pennsylvania? In Pennsylvania, relocation is defined as a move that significantly impairs the other parent’s ability to exercise their custodial rights. Many parents assume relocation only applies to out-of-state moves, but this is not the case. Even a short-distance move can qualify if it disrupts the non-relocating parent's abilit...Read More - What Happens to the Family Home in a Pennsylvania Divorce? Options for Dividing Real Estate
Feb 5, 2025
undefined When a marriage ends, one of the most challenging aspects of a This guide explores the legal and practical options for dividing real estate in a Pennsylvania divorce and underscores the importance of working with an experienced attorney. Understanding Equitable Distribution in Pennsylvania In Pennsylvania, property acquired during the marriage is subject to equitable distribution, which means the court divides assets fairly but not necessarily equally. The family home is typically classified a...Read More - Same-Sex Family Law Rights in Pennsylvania: Adoption, Custody, and Divorce
Jan 2, 2025
undefined Same-sex couples in Pennsylvania face unique challenges when navigating family law matters, including adoption, custody, and Adoption Rights for Same-Sex Couples in Pennsylvania Adoption Types of Adoption Second-Parent Adoption Agency and Private Adoption Stepparent Adoption Legal Considerations Equal Protection Pre-Adoption Agreements Hiring an attorney experienced in same-sex Custody Rights for Same-Sex Parents Custody disputes can be emotionally charged, and for same-sex couples, navigating these issues may involve unique complexities. Pennsylvania court...Read More - Spousal Support and Alimony in PA: Navigating Your Rights and Obligations
Dec 13, 2024
Divorce In this guide, we’ll break down each form of financial support available during and after divorce in Pennsylvania, offering practical insights into how the courts decide what’s fair. With the right information—and the right legal support—you can approach this complex process with confidence and clarity. The First Step: What Is Spousal Support in Pennsylvania? For individuals facing separation, spousal support is often one of the first financial arrangements to be addressed. In Pennsylvania, spousa...Read More - How Mental Health Issues Impact Custody Decisions in Pennsylvania
Nov 6, 2024
undefined Child custody Here’s a comprehensive guide to how Pennsylvania addresses mental health concerns in custody cases. The Best Interests of the Child Standard in Pennsylvania In Pennsylvania, custody decisions are guided by what’s known as the "best interests of the child" standard. This standard considers a wide range of factors, including each parent’s mental and physical health, the child’s emotional and developmental needs, and each parent’s ability to meet those needs. Mental health issue...Read More - Pennsylvania Divorce and Parenting Plans: What You Need to Know
Oct 11, 2024
undefined Divorce What is a Parenting Plan? A parenting plan is a formal agreement between divorced or separated parents that outlines how they will share responsibilities for raising their children. It includes specifics about physical custody (where the child will live), legal custody (who makes important decisions), and how parents will handle major events such as holidays and vacations. While parents can create a parenting plan collaboratively, if disagreements arise, the court may step i...Read More - Co-Parenting in Pennsylvania: Crafting a Parenting Plan That Works
Sep 6, 2024
undefined When a couple with children separates, divorces, or ends their relationship, one of the most critical aspects to address is co-parenting. Navigating the emotional and logistical complexities of raising a child in separate households can be challenging, but creating a strong parenting plan can provide a framework that fosters stability, minimizes conflict, and prioritizes the child’s well-being. At What is a Parenting Plan? A parenting plan is a legally binding document that outline...Read More - Grandparents’ Rights in Pennsylvania: Custody and Visitation
Aug 15, 2024
undefined In Pennsylvania, grandparents often play a significant role in the lives of their grandchildren. However, when family dynamics shift due to Understanding Pennsylvania Law on Grandparents’ Rights Pennsylvania law recognizes the importance of grandparents in a child's life but balances this with the rights of the parents. Under certain conditions, grandparents may seek custody or visitation rights. However, these rights are not automatically granted and must be pursued through the court system. Whe...Read More - What Papers do I Need to File to Begin Divorce Proceedings in Pennsylvania?
Jul 17, 2024
undefined Embarking on the journey of Understanding Divorce in Pennsylvania Before diving into the specifics of paperwork, it's important to understand the basic legal framework of divorce in Pennsylvania. The state offers two primary options: No-Fault Divorce: Fault-Based Divorce: Knowing the type of divorce you're seeking will guide you in preparing the correct documents and information for your case. Essential Documents to Begin Divorce Proceedings in Pennsylvania Complaint for Divorce The Complaint for Divorc...Read More - 3 Different Ways To Get A Divorce
Jun 11, 2024
undefined When you think of divorce, the image that probably pops into your mind is that of two hostile people battling it out in court. While this certainly is a common scenario, it is not the only way in which you can get a divorce. In addition to litigation, you also have the choices of negotiation, collaboration and mediation. Knowing the differences between these can help you determine which approach is right for your circumstances. Negotiation an...Read More
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